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7:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Monday to Saturday
A summary about ALTAS

We Are Manufacturer

Iran's significant progress in mining industries has made its related industries, including the mineral processing, to make significant progress. ALTAS are now ready to provide services outside the borders of Iran.

Head Office
Call Us
(+98) 913-429-0190
7:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Monday to Saturday


We Create Opportunities

Iran's self-sufficiency under international sanctions has led to creativity and gaining a lot of experience in the fields of production and independence of industries from foreign companies, and this lack of dependence has led to local production in industries. Buying Iranian products and services means the opportunity to buy integrated products and services from one country.

Business Consulting

Due to the wide range of minerals in Iran, we are ready to consult in the field of mineral processing all over the world

Market Analysis

Our analysis lets us project the success you can expect when we introduce our brand, our services and our products to you.

Financial Planning

ALTAS financial plan provides a clear understanding of the current financial standing; outlines our strategies, goals and projections


Our Portfolio

We minimize investments in companies that work for mineral processing.

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Features we Provide

ALTAS can help create a better experience for mineral processor, ensuring they stay longer on their ability and explore more of what they have to experience.

Financial Analysis
Financial analysis is used to analyze whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to warrant a monetary investment
Business Growth
Business growth is the expansion of the company in terms of growth in revenue, customer base, market share, or producing more goods.
Success Report
Reporting helps your success team improve onboarding and engagement in your product by tracking important engagement analytics.
Marketing Plan
The plan identifies the target market, a blueprint that outlines your strategies to attract and convert your ideal customers.
Risk Management
Risk management encompasses the identification, analysis, and response to risk factors that form part of the life of a business
Global Business
The company operates facilities (such as factories and distribution centres) in many countries around the world.

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Our Products

We present to you our latest products and services


MIBC is a flotation frother with a broad range and good selectivity. It can be compared with ” Methyl isobutyl carbinol (MIBC) ” in its applications with 50% decreasing consumption and promotion to increase if applied with other frother reagents.

Selectivity and Recovery
Although most commonly frothers used in alkaline flotation, our MIBC is being used in both acidic and alkaline flotation system from pH 4 to 12. Basic components of our MIBC are from chemical treatments of methyl isobutyl carbinol family (MIBC). Dosage rate of our MIBC depends on ore type¸ grinding size and water quality. The dosage is usually between 5 to 20 grams per tons.

Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Clear Liquid
Odor: Mild
Solubility: Soluble in Water
BP: 250°C
Density at 25°C: 1.019 g/m3
Autoignition Point: 240°C
Cloud point: < -6°C
pH: 7-7.5
Freezing Point: < -12°C

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